
I build rockets, robots, & programs.

I have always known I wanted to be an engineer, with a keen desire to build and a fascination with space. For the past 4 years, I have worked with Spot, a quadruped agile mobile robot at Boston Dynamics. I have developed new hardware and software applications for Spot in a diverse set of industries, constantly iterating with the team to create the perfect remote teleoperation and autonomous inspection robot.

Prior to Boston Dynamics, I worked as an Engineering Intern at Parabilis Space Technologies developing new and innovative space solutions with an incredible team. I have a Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering and a Minor in Computer Science from San Diego State University.

I am a dedicated and driven engineer in pursuit of a space exploration and innovation opportunities.

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Lego man duct taped to the nosecone of a homemade model rocket

I specialize in avionics, fluid, and control systems. I bring a diverse and practiced set of skills.

My Portfolio of Work

Academic Projects:

Personal Projects:

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My Resume