Static Hot Fires A & B

SDSU Rocket Project

Under my presidency, the SDSU Rocket Project entered to compete in the Friends of Amateur Rocketry FAR/Mars Launch Contest in September of 2017. During my tenure as President, we:

  • Manufactured the first ever student designed LOX/LCH4 engine.
  • Developed a cryogenic, bi-propelleant liquid test stand in a record three months.
  • Successfully completed Static Hot Fire Tests of our engine on 2 occasions in 2018, February 4th (SHF-A) and March 3rd (SHF-B).
  • Created a comprehensive test preparation campaign involving multiple cryogenic (cold-flow) tests and procedural reviews.
  • Mentored new members in basic structural and manufacturing development, fluid system design and assembly, and avionics system development and reliability.

The SDSU Rocket Project went on to complete two more hot fires in our engine test campaign before retiring the test stand. Our team successfully hot fired the launch vehicle in 2019 and launched in 2020 (see Lady Elizabeth).